I am Danielle. Here is the section where I write about myself and for you to decide if I am enough.  Enough of an artist and talent for you to be sold on me. That is the trick our minds will play, to question ourselves, question if we are enough.

You are enough. Even now at this moment, where what I’ve written before what you’re reading collide here in this medium, you are enough.  Only thing I can “sell” you on is the idea that some just “do” and move through the internal pit of worry about being enough. So here I am in the pit, but I am moving through.

I’m just going to simply say, here is who I am, part of what I do and all of what I love. I’ve always seen myself as a warrior, a poet and a dreamer caught in the romance of life. So, the fragile weapons of music and literature have stolen my heart and thus, what I do, is use them to awaken the depths of humanity, into light, into the enough. 

My current literary work, Shia and the Seeds, is the epic journey of a unlikely warrior and her brood of vanquishers. They must discover and restore the world to color through the seeds, all which bare life. This story came to me in an instant, one that is beyond explanation.

My chorus worship project, which is a collection of songs for the Church entitled, “The Dawn,” is being released in the months ahead. Each song is inspired to be a resource for corporate worship and your personal prayer moments. The songs are made to close in the gap between creator and creation with intentional simplicity.

As a mother of three, a wife to one and a lover of all, my heart has always guided me and to this place I’ve arrived. This is a dream to be able to write from the heart, sing from the heart and live from the heart. So, don’t wake me up, just dream with me by listening, reading and if moved support these projects.
My purpose with my music is to connect you to the one that made you while providing a doorway to the depths of your being that needs healing through worship. This mission, that God has placed before me, is to create a library of music that is written first for the use of corporate worship within the Church. I want to see everyone that listens to this music that flows through me, but is not mine, find themselves disarmed by the presence within the music. May you sing from the heart.

Shia and the Seeds

Shia and the Seeds transports you to a thriving Kingdom clothed in color and life. As this three part epic tail unfolds darkness enters the enchanted land. Once all is lost there is only one, foretold before time itself, that can bring back the precious seeds all that birth color, love and life. Shia, the unlikely heroine turned warrior poet, with her brave vanquishers rise up to battle evil itself. Will hope live on and seeds will be once more?  What is needed is the epic, enchanted, life giving legend that has come to be known as Shia and the Seeds. Let your journey to color begin.

Follow the story as it is told.

For your journey to begin with Shia and the Seeds please provide your working email address so we can send you the first few chapters in e-reader form. We will also notify you in the months ahead when new chapters are available. We will always respect your privacy.

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Music: All my music is free for you to listen and download to use personally. In a corporate or public worship setting I simply ask that you give credit where credit is due.  If you are a musician or a band and interested in recording and publishing my songs feel free to contact me below.

Writing: My official book proposal for book one of three, Shia & The Seeds: The Quill & The Box, is currently available and in circulation and various publishers. If you are a literary agent or a publisher you find yourself interested in making this book with me, feel free to contact me below.